April Monthly Staff Series: Project Services

Hello readers and welcome to the next blog post in a long line of ones to come! This month, it is all about…

Information Services Group Portfolio (Project Services)!

What does Information Services Group Portfolio do?

Our team deliver IT and business change projects which are mainly aligned with the directorates in ISG and the services which they run. Some examples include the student and staff portal MyEd for LTW, DiscoverEd and Alma for Library & University Collections, as well as the recent information security type projects like the roll out of Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) for Microsoft 365 apps. Our team is a mix of Programme Managers, Project Managers and Business Analysts.

How does this work connect with other Application sections?

The majority of our projects involve the other sections from Applications. We work closely with Development Services for any infrastructure or software development tasks. Production Management help us to make sure all the changes implemented can be supported once they are live. Service Management often assist us with any reporting needs for the projects. Many of our projects integrate with the People and Money (P&M) system, so we work closely with the P&M Team.

Are there any upcoming projects the team is excited about?

Yes! The Managing User Access programme (MUA) has a lot of high profile projects in progress affecting all students and staff across the UoE, such as the replacement of our current single sign on service (EASE) and the replacement of our identity and access management system (IDM). We’ll also be involved with new Artificial Intelligence (AI) initiatives and technologies taking place across the University. We’re currently working with EDINA and User Service Directorate on the ELM and Ask EdHelp AI services. Technical integrations for the new Short Course Platform (for LTW); IT Readiness for Start of Semester New University Card Management and Production system

Are there any favourite topics of discussion among the team?

  • Favourite TV series and recommendations
  • Pets
  • Football
  • Gardening
  • Live music
  • Conversation stopper: politics!

Dogs: Tatu and Ofu, Willow, Ronnie and Jock! Cats: Tianjin, Alfie, Zion, Ben and Skye!

Are there any special/hidden talents within the team?

Karen’s knitting talents…

The little Maisie and Bethann Dazzler bears!

If you could take a guess, how many cups of tea/coffee/hot chocolate does the team get through on an average day?


In a sentence what makes Information Services Group Portfolio great?

Our team members are a hard working and friendly bunch – we regularly catch up as a team outside of work and go out for team lunches and nights out.

If you wish to get in touch…

Please contact Adam Wadee, Team Manager (adam.wadee@ed.ac.uk).

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