User Acceptance Testing Made Easy

IS Applications is proud to present its latest service available to all business areas, schools and colleges: the User Testing Service. As any project manager knows, User Acceptance testing is a key component of the software development lifecycle. The User Testing Service, based on a platform called TestRail, has been specifically designed to formalise and ease the process of ensuring that the product meets the requirements of the business.

One of the key features of the User Testing service is that it offers users access to a tool that supports the design, organisation, and structure of full-fledged user acceptance tests. TestRail’s flexibility means that user acceptance procedures are managed and tracked in one central place, and can be applied for any new service, product or upgrade that is underway.

Another key component of TestRail platform is its intuitive design and friendly user interface, which ensures that the testing procedure is completed as efficiently as possible. Users can break down an entire process to granular components and apply a testing mechanism to each component. By design, this allows developers to create testing procedures which guarantee that issues can be identified and addressed before every launch. Furthermore, tests can be reused for future projects, therefore decreasing the time required to redesign a wholly new process for every new project.

Going beyond ease of use, TestRail also provides the option of releasing a report after each round of testing. This presents project managers with the opportunity to comprehensively analyse every result from the testing, identify any potential faults and improvements and provide real-time insights into testing progress. The nature of the report also allows it to be shared, easing communications within team-developed projects.

So far, TestRail has been used on several projects across ISG, most prominently for the latest UniDesk upgrade. User feedback has been very positive. Project managers have cited the main benefits as its intuitive design and flexibility. Most importantly, users have also noted TestRail’s usefulness as a program which allows them to have a structured framework for the User Acceptance testing procedure.

The User Testing Service is now available to all project managers across ISG. Given its advantages, its usage is expected to be widespread across the group, and User Acceptance testing is expected to run much more smoothly. For more information and guidance, including details on how to get started, visit the website at

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